Put simply, smart cooking means bringing Bluetooth connected technology into the kitchen so that appliances can communicate with each other, and with an app you control, to deliver the best tasting and most consistent results. In an age where this kind of connectivity is cheaper than ever, we here at Hestan Cue seek to improve the culinary experience and educate the home cook, rather than merely add tech for tech's sake. The last thing people need is a toaster that requires an app to operate: the push-down lever is still a great user interface for making toast.
At Hestan Cue, our goal is to empower you with the tools to produce restaurant quality dishes with ease. We want to add innovative technology to the kitchen arsenal of gadgets to give people confidence to cook recipes they wouldn’t have dared try before. If we can help you make the perfect filet of fish, with crisp skin and a tender interior, or a simple chicken breast that is properly seared but not the least bit dry, or carrots that are cooked through and yet toothsome, we have done our job.
The truly smart kitchen harnesses all the techniques that top chefs spend their lives learning, and factors in all variables to set you up for success. It accumulates hours of experience over the stove and puts the power of culinary expertise in the home cook’s hands. But at the same time, it creates room for flexibility and creativity so that you can learn the essentials of good cooking while feeling free to find your own style. For the novice in the kitchen, it delivers the confidence needed to cook at home. For the more experienced cook, it provides a trusted sous-chef that helps turn an ordinary Tuesday night dinner into a special menu they might otherwise only attempt on a free weekend.
That’s the real power of the smart kitchen: to let all of us, no matter where we are today, get better results and more enjoyment when we prepare meals for our families, our friends and ourselves. And in the end, that brings us all together around the table.